Microsoft Certification Exams Format and Training

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mcse 2003 training - mcse certification

Microsoft Certification Exams
Microsoft Certification helps you stand out among IT professionals—and it all starts with one exam. Whether you are new to technology, changing jobs, or a seasoned IT professional, when you earn a Microsoft Certification, you demonstrate to customers and employers your commitment to advancing your IT skills. Learn more about certification exams, and start your journey to a more fulfilling career today.

Microsoft generally does not identify the format of any given exam at the time of registration because candidates are expected to understand the exam content, regardless of how it is presented. This practice helps protect exam security and the value of Microsoft Certification.

Microsoft Certification exams are presented in a wide variety of question and answer formats to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge and skills accurately. Such formats may include:

* Multiple-choice, single-answer questions

* Multiple-choice, multiple-answer questions

* Hot area questions

* Active screen questions

* Drag and drop questions

* Build list and reorder questions

* Create a tree questions

* Case studies

Some skills are assessed through hands-on, lab-based testing.

Microsoft lab-based testing—then and now
A few years ago, Microsoft introduced its first performance-based (or hands on) testing items in its technical and business certification exams. These testing items were built on simulation technology. Exams featured a combination of traditional testing items and simulated work environments in which candidates could demonstrate their skills by performing critical IT tasks. As a result of the positive feedback from candidates and hiring managers, Microsoft has continued to develop performance-based testing to simulate real-world IT environments.

Today, Microsoft offers new performance-based testing built on emulation technologies. This format allows the candidate to use any path or tool within a virtual computing environment, whereas simulation technology restricts the candidate to a small number of expected paths. Regardless of the performance-based item type, the candidate is evaluated on the accuracy of the end result, not the path that they took to complete the task.

Benefits of performance-based testing

* Offers a real-life, hands-on format that requires individuals to execute tasks

* Reproduces work environments that reflect problem-solving in the real world

* Mirrors actual job demands to help build confidence on the job

* Experience gained through preparation and practice for the exam supports on the job success

In 2009, Microsoft will deploy the lab-based emulation technology in Exam 70-640: MCTS: Windows Server 2008, Active Directory Configuration. The updated exam will be released in various countries in English only, replacing existing versions in those countries.

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