mcitp certification

10 alternative careers for burned-out IT workers

I recently wrote an article that caused a bit of a stir. That article, 10 reasons for quitting IT, brought to my inbox an onslaught of email agreeing with my reasons and/or asking for advice on where to turn. After giving it some thought, I decided I would take a stab at a follow-up article […]

Ten Must-Have Apps for Foodies that Are not Food Apps

Before there were smartphones, I was the kind of foodie who stuffed her purse with scraps of paper, scribblings with the names, addresses, and cross streets of restaurants, markets, bakeries, and bars that I wanted to try. I had a pocket notebook on me at all times, as well as a tourist’s guide of my […]

ActualKey 70-431 Study Material

ActualKey Practice Exams for Microsoft 70-431 are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, using only certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. The ActualKey online training staff also put energy into creating three other methods of training both online, and offline. Combining the ActualKey 70-431 exam with a study guide, audio […]

Sony PS3 Hacker Geohot Has Fled The Country

George Hotz, the man accused of illegally hacking the PlayStation 3, has reportedly fled the country to South America, according to a filing by Sony. In the filing, posted to the Justia Web site, Sony Computer Entertainment of America claims Hotz, also known as “geohot,” has fled the country with several key components. SCEA noted […]

Microsoft introduces aliases for Hotmail

Microsoft has introduced aliases to for Hotmail email – allowing you to manage multiple email aliases from a single Hotmail account. Microsoft has been making key changes to Hotmail as it looks to stave off competition from the likes of Google’s Gmail, and that now includes the ability to use a different email address within […]

Windows 7 goes public

Now, I had been using windows 7 for 4 months. And to my surprise, it has come upto my expectations very well. The near-final version of Microsoft’s next operating system, Windows 7, became available late Monday to the general public. Microsoft will collect feedback on the Windows 7 release candidate over the next few months, […]

Certkingdom 70-646 Exam

70-646 test preparation. It is an indispensable tool in your test preparation. Ignoring you will be the foolish thing to do now. It is affordable, easy to understand effective and largely read. Study material found on the site has specially been prepared for your higher score. As we understand a higher score leads to a […]

Windows 7 Offers Battery-Life Improvement

Windows 7 RTM Review showed us how well it is when it comes to Performing as compared to Vista, XP. We were happy there. But there’s one more thing with windows 7 that will delight users switching from Vista — 25% improvement in Battery life. Ruston Panabaker, Microsoft’s principal program manager of strategic silicon partnering, […]

Microsoft 70-236 questions and answers

Microsoft Certification Training Exams, it is hard to neglect ActualKey reliability and pass ratio. Microsoft 70-236 exam is especially designed to maximize your productivity and only emphasis on main parts of the 70-236 Exam. The pass ratio of this exam executed on the globe is maximized to ActualKey. Our most popular ActualKey 70-236 training product […]

Microsoft 70-642 braindumps

Certkingdom Microsoft 70-642 braindumps will guide you through the path of your destination in blink of an eye. Easy to understand and learn, from Certkingdom Microsoft 70-642 braindumps are also available in PDF format, so that the candidate can learn and understand from his certification course in a better way. Our 70-642 braindumps allow students […]

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