
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exams 70-640, 70-642, 70-643, 70-647):

MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exams 70-640, 70-642, 70-643, 70-647): Windows Server® 2008 Enterprise Administrator Core Requirements 3400 pages | Microsoft Press; Pap/Cdr edition (July 14, 2008) | 0735625727 | PDF | 49 Mb Your all-in-one kit for the skills measured by the core exams for Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Administrator certification and on the […]

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The New Microsoft IT Pro Certifications and Exams

The New Microsoft IT Pro Certifications and Exams Introduction f you have been in the IT field for any length of time, you are more than aware of the plethora of certification providers and their certifications. Trying to fathom what each certifications means; the worth of a certification, and how a certification from one vendor […]

What you need to know about Windows Server 2008 certifications

What you need to know about Windows Server 2008 certifications As you have probably heard for some time now, Microsoft is transitioning away from the MCP/MCSA/MCSE certifications to the new MCTS (Technology Specialist) and MCITP (IT Professional) certifications and exams. The first question you will probably have is: "Does that mean that my current MCP/MCSA/MCSE […]

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