The Best Tech You Can’t Get (2010)

Chances are you don’t know about these great technology products because they are only available overseas. We’re here to ruin your day by making you covet them as much as we do.

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Technology isn’t the same everywhere. Some countries take longer to get the newest, best, coolest, shiniest toys—even the United States of America. That’s why, every once and a while, we try to round up a list of fantastic products that you can’t get here. Sometimes the differences with what is available are slight, sometimes they’re major, but it’s always an excellent excuse to see how the other half lives with gear that we can’t have yet, and may never get.

You can check online at sites like Dynamism for a chance to import some of these products, but be prepared for disappointment (or at least sticker-shock).

The Best Tech You Can’t Get (2010)
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