Exam ID HPE0-V19
Exam type Proctored
Exam duration 1 hour 30 minutes
Exam length 55 questions
Passing score 63%
Delivery languages English, Japanese
Supporting resources These recommended resources help you prepare for the exam:
Creating HPE Real Time Analytics Solutions with SAP HANA, Rev. 20.21
Register for this Exam
You need an HPE Learner ID and a Pearson VUE login and password.
No reference material is allowed at the testing site. This exam may contain beta test items for experimental purposes.
During the exam, you can make comments about the exam items. We welcome these comments as part of our continuous improvement process.
Exam description
This exam tests the candidate’s ability to display competency with HPE solutions for SAP HANA as well as service offerings and deployment options in order to architect solutions that can help achieve customers’ business outcomes.
Ideal candidate for this exam
This certification is targeted to solution architects who have a broad understanding of SAP solutions and concepts, in order to architect and design a SAP HANA solution as part of an overall SAP environment. Candidates typically define business needs, propose, and may deploy, the solution.
Exam contents
This exam has 55 questions. Here are types of questions to expect:
Discrete Option Multiple Choice
Advice to help you take this exam
Complete the training and review all course materials and documents before you take the exam.
Use HPE Press study guides and additional reference materials; study guides, practice tests, and HPE books.
Exam items are based on expected knowledge acquired from job experience, an expected level of industry standard knowledge, or other prerequisites (events, supplemental materials, etc.).
Successful completion of the course or study materials alone, does not ensure you will pass the exam.
What to Expect with Discrete Option Multiple Choice (DOMC) exams:
This exam uses the DOMC question format. It is quite different than traditional multiple choice exams. It is designed to increase exam fairness, to protect exam integrity, your exam scores and your time.
How is DOMC different?
Instead of presenting all the answer options together at one time, DOMC questions present answer options one at a time, at random
When an answer option is presented, you select either Yes or No to indicate if the option is correct or not. This process repeats until the question concludes
You may see more than one correct option
You may receive as few as one option for each test question or several options
Once you move forward, you may not go back and change your response to a previous option
We created an HPE sample test to help you practice using this DOMC test format. During registration, you will be asked to confirm that you have completed the HPE DOMC sample test and understand how this exam will perform.
Become acquainted with DOMC:
HPE DOMC sample test
Be sure to complete the supporting resources and review all materials and documents before you take the exam. Successful completion of the supporting resources alone does not ensure you will pass the exam.
This exam validates that you can:
Perform an analysis of customer SAP workloads to determine the most appropriate deployment model(s), sizing, and related service offerings.
Articulate key differentiators for HPE solutions for SAP HANA
Percentage of Exam Sections/Objectives
20% Summarize the SAP Portfolio:
Compare and contrast the SAP offerings
Know the SAP acronyms
Know the history of SAP portfolio
Differentiate the SAP workloads aligned to the customer’s business processes
Articulate the strategic role of SAP HANA in the SAP portfolio
Recognize the different SAP processes and products for customers in various industries
Explain SAP client server architecture
Explain the urgency to begin the S/4HANA journey
39% Know SAP HANA Architecture and Certification Requirements:
Know the reasoning behind SAP HANA hardware certification and implications
Locate SAP HANA certification requirements
Use SAP tools
Use SAP HANA hardware directory, early-watch reports (EWA)
Identify general SAP HANA best practices for networking and storage
Define the SAP HANA system types
Explain SAP HANA high availability and disaster tolerant features
Explain virtualization and consolidation options for SAP HANA
Explain Data backup and recovery for SAP HANA options
41% Plan and Design HPE SAP HANA Solutions:
Identify an appropriate sizing approach
Interpret SAP sizing results and determine hardware requirements
Explain HPE SAP HANA infrastructure solution options
Recommend HPE SAP HANA solution based on customer requirements
Differentiate HPE SAP HANA solution options
Apply the HPE sales and ordering process
Actualkey HPE HPE0-V19 exam pdf, Certkingdom HPEHPE0-V19 PDF

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