Windows 8 Wish List of Features and Functions

Windows 8 Wish List of Features and Functions
Use Roles in Windows 8
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When installing Windows Server, the base operating system is installed first and then an administrator can select the “role” the server will play. For example, an admin can choose the Web role, which installs features such as the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server, or the Hyper-V role, which installs Microsoft’s hypervisor. Multiple roles can be installed on a server.

The client OS should have roles too, writes Cherry, because they make “installation fast and easy and reduce the OS surface area, which can reduce security threats and maintenance such as patching.”

Implementing roles into the client OS should be easy given its high-degree of componentization, writes Cherry, adding that possible client OS roles could be e-mail and Web browsing, student, business desktop, business mobile and gamer.

“An interesting side effect of adding roles might be faster start-up times,” writes Cherry. “If a person had a small netbook, and only installed the e-mail and Web browsing role, the OS might be able to start faster, because it only has to load the components for that role, and it doesn’t have to install other components for features that are not needed.”

Integrate Windows Phone 7 UI

The user interface for Windows Phone 7, internally called “Metro,” incorporates capacitive touch screens and a new feature called “Tiles” that work as visual shortcuts for an application or its content. Users can pin any Tile they want to the phone’s Start page.

Incorporating the “Metro” Shell into Windows 8 would be extra work for IT (organizations don’t want to retrain users for UI changes), but would help tie future versions of Windows Phone 7 and Windows together, writes Cherry. Users could then choose between the Windows Phone 7 “Metro” interface and the classic Windows 8 desktop interface.

The Metro shell would also “begin the process of making the Windows client more viable as a tablet with a UI that can better handle touch rather than relying on a mouse or a stylus for navigation,” writes Cherry.

Meaningful Error Messages

Windows error messages are often cryptic, showing hexadecimal error code such as 0xe0000100. In Windows 8, Cherry calls for error messages that make sense to the common user.

“You end up having to put code in a search engine to find out what the problem is,” says Cherry.

“If you can’t explain in an error message what went wrong and clearly indicate what to do about it, then you shouldn’t have an error message.”

More Powerful Power Management

Faster start-up times for Windows are on nearly everyone’s wish list, and Windows 8 is no exception. It also “needs to sleep, hibernate and wake up quickly and reliably, writes Cherry.

Cherry defines “start-up time” as the time between turning on the power to a machine that was stopped until you actually start performing useful work.

“On my Dell Precision T3400 with Windows 7 64-bit & after pushing the power button it is eight seconds until the BIOS has started and Windows 7 begins to load,” writes Cherry.

“At approximately the 15-second mark the ‘Starting Windows’ message and animation starts. At the 54-second mark, the Windows logon appears, and after logging on there is a 41-second period where all I can really do is watch the ‘donut’ cursor. After one minute and 50 seconds Outlook can be started, and mail can be sent and received with an Exchange server at the two minute 23 second mark. It takes 2.5 minutes to start Windows 7.”
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Cherry calls for more speed and accuses Microsoft of trying to convince users that continually “hibernating” their system is the answer to faster start-up. This is an illusion, he writes, and warns that “hibernate” has its own set of problems such as occasionally preventing network cards from resuming correctly.

Windows 8 Wish List of Features and Functions

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