1D0-525 CIW E-Commerce Designer

Certification Name: CIW E-Commerce Specialist
Exam ID: 1D0-525
Number of Questions: 72
Passing Score: 68%
Time Limit: 75 minutes
Course Name: E-Commerce Strategies and Practices

To stand out as an increasingly valuable member of a Web or marketing team, you need a working knowledge of e-commerce standards. The E-Commerce Strategies and Practices course is for the individual who already understands the foundations of Web technologies and wants to become proficient in e-commerce practices and site design.

The CIW E-Commerce Strategies and Practices course prepares candidates to take the CIW E-Commerce Specialist exam, which, if passed, earns the individual the CIW E-Commerce Specialist certification. Candidates who also pass the CIW Web Design Specialist exam earn the advanced CIW Web Design Professional certification.

Average Salary – $66,665 for E-Commerce Specialist
The 2015 annual mean salary of an IT professional who has been awarded the CIW E-Commerce Specialist certification is $66,665. This salary was calculated based on the 14,000+ IT professionals who responded to the 2016 IT Skills and Salary survey that was conducted by Global Knowledge in September of 2015.

Target Audience
Web designers
Internet consultants
IT professionals
Marketing professionals
Web and graphic artists
Business professionals

Skills Taught (Refer to course description for more details)
E-commerce site development, including ways to conduct business online and manage the technical issues associated with constructing an e-commerce Web site
E-commerce technology and security, including e-commerce technologies at various levels of sophistication, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, and practices for securing your online transactions as well as your customers’ personal information
E-commerce business, marketing and legal issues, including Web marketing strategies, online product promotion, and legal topics such as taxation and international shipping

Placing an institutional banner ad on a site that targets a specific market can result in:

A. a higher clickthrough rate.
B. increased banner exchange.
C. higher search-engine ranking.
D. better banner ad positioning on the site.

Answer: A

Which of the following is an example of just-in-time (JIT) delivery?

A. Obtaining the product only after supplies have run out
B. Obtaining and developing items as customers demand the product
C. Storing the product in parts until customers demand the assembled product
D. Warehousing large amounts of assembled goods as customers demand the product

Answer: B

None of your customers can access SSL-protected pages on your new e-commerce site. Which of the following steps will resolve this problem?

A. Ask customers to reboot their computers.
B. Open TCP port 443 on the company firewall.
C. Open TCP port 8080 on the company firewall.
D. Ask your customers to upgrade their Web browsers.

Answer: B

What step would be appropriate before launching an e-commerce site with a newly installed payment gateway?

A. Contact the issuing bank to verify connections.
B. Contact the acquiring bank to verify connections.
C. Test the system using various payment methods.
D. Register the gateway with accepted credit card issuers.

Answer: C

An international online auction company wants to use a payment service that supports payment processing and is limited to auction purchases only. Which of the following would best meet the company’s needs?

A. eBay
B. BidPay
C. PayPal
D. AuctionPay

Answer: B

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